This is the most complete directory of Seattle - Tacoma - Portland area bikini barista espresso stands anywhere, at last count listing 57 businesses with 145 locations. Seattle is at the forefront of the bikini barista phenomena that is sweeping across the world, and it all started right here. New bikini barista espresso businesses are popping up all over the place, and up until now, it has been hard to keep track of them. has solved the problem. We have scouted out the Seattle, Tacoma, and Everett areas and even down into Vancouver, Portland and beyond searching for bikini baristas - and we found lots of them! You can now look up bikini espresso businesses by location or by business name, and new locations are added as we find them.
We do not own any bikini barista espresso stands, nor do we have any affiliation with any bikini barista espresso businesses. If you are seeking employment please contact the espresso businesses directly. Most of them are on Facebook or Instagram.